Reforming the Congo Free State: Religion and Human Rights
In 1998, journalist and popular author Adam Hochschild published King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa . The book sold well and introduced the Congo Reform Movement to a broad audience. Hochschild outlined the story of King Leopold II of Belgium and his brutal colonization of the Congo River Basin in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. over the course of Leopold reign from 1885-1908, millions of Congolese men, women, and children, were tortured, kidnapped, and massacred in pursuit of the region's precious commodities, ivory and rubber. He also introduced some of the players who discovered, protested, and sought to reform the administration of what Leopold II ironically named the Congo Free State. The reform movement involved an international organization based in Great Britain and the United States, the Congo Reform Association, that sought to alleviate the suffering of the Congolese under stifling European rule. Despite Hochsch...